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Get old. But in style.

Ich hatte hier schon mal über das wirklich fabulöse Blog von Ari Cohen berichtet - nun soll es einen Film dazu geben: "Advanced Style". Noch ist man ein wenig am Geldsammeln um dieses Projekt zu realisieren, in das ich bereits nach ein Mal Gucken geradezu verliebt bin:

Jajajajaaa! Genauso will ich sein, wenn ich groß äh alt bin: Bunt. Anders. Lebensfroh! (Gut, auf falsche Wimpern würde ich möglicherweise verzichten. ;-)) Vielleicht können wir schon bald statt faltenfrei gebügelter Carries Old Fashionistas im Kino sehen?! Fände ich prima!

Wer das Projekt unterstützen will: Hier geht's zum Fundraising!

Und hier was Ari Cohen selbst über sein Projekt sagt:

"Advanced Style is a documentary film about stylish older women living in New York City. The film follows the daily lives and inspiring moments of New York’s most fashionable seniors. These portraits of women aging gracefully with tremendous spirit will challenge conventional ideas about beauty, growing old, and Western culture's increasing obsession with youth. For three years we have filmed many stylish, older women in New York City, but we need your help to turn this project into a full-length documentary film. Through our discussion of style, we've started a grander conversation about embracing age and living life to the fullest. Our *senior* starlets share their tips for choosing accessories, and perhaps more importantly, how they cope with their changing physical appearances and abilities, sex at an older age and, inevitably, death. No topic is off limits.

This film will inspire audiences with the extraordinary personalities and incredible insights of the women we've met. In a time when the media largely ignores older people, and paints a depressing, often negative picture of aging, we want to share the very opposite experiences of women we've met. These women face age with positive attitudes, staying active and making themselves visible their creative approaches to dressing. Style is the bond that has linked these women together in Advanced Style, but their attitudes and spirit have become the true bond, and one that we know will be best captured on film."

5089 0 50+ Lifestyle 29.05.2012   advanced style, alter, ari cohen, film, mode, old fashionistas, stil

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